
How Often Should You Rebalance Your 401(k)?

When investing in a 401(k), one of the most important decisions you can make is how often to rebalance your portfolio. Many people invest in their company-sponsored 401(k)s but only sometimes take the time to review the investments within the account. Rebalancing...

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Pros and Cons Of A Roth IRA Conversion

If you have been planning for your retirement, you may have come across several types of savings and investment accounts. The two most popularly used include the 401(k) and the Individual Retirement Account (IRA). For decades, retirees have relied on these to save for...

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What Is The First Step In Financial Planning?

Financial planning is essential for achieving one’s financial goals. It is a step-by-step approach wherein you create a financial plan to control your income, expenses, and investments to better manage your finances. However, not everyone has a financial plan....

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Can You Open A Roth Ira After You Turn 60?

Retirement is a time in life that a lot of people look forward to. Life is a lot more relaxed after retirement as the stress and deadlines of work are no longer there. You can use this time to pursue hobbies, travel the world, catch up with friends and family, and...

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