Sequence of Returns: Your Biggest Risk in Retirement

Sequence of Returns: Your Biggest Risk in Retirement

Dollar-cost averaging has always been a sound investment strategy. It consists of making systematic monthly contributions to a retirement account whereby a fixed dollar amount would purchase more shares when stock prices declined and fewer shares when they rose....
When Should You Start Taking Social Security Benefits?

When Should You Start Taking Social Security Benefits?

As with many questions about personal finances, the answer is “it depends.” Initially, several factors should weigh on the decision. Your age Whether you plan on working in retirement Whether you need the income sooner rather than later How long do you expect to live...
What Is The 4 Percent Rule?

What Is The 4 Percent Rule?

With most people relying almost exclusively on their own assets to generate lifetime income sufficiency, it’s up to each individual to determine the optimal rate at which they can safely spend down their assets so they don’t outlive them. Several decades ago, a...