The S&P 500 index closed out the first half of 2022 with its worst start in 50 years. On June 13, the index breached negative 20% from its previous high, officially entering bear market territory for the second time in two years. As often happens during a bear...
Though it was to be expected at some point, this market sell-off still stings. The rare convergence of surging inflation, extreme stock market volatility, declining bond values and growing geopolitical strife has investors on edge. However, as extraordinary as the...
After a four-decade hiatus, inflation is once again rearing its ugly head. Its impact has been felt at the checkout counters and gas pumps for months, and now it’s shaking up the markets. Year over year, U.S. wholesale prices were up 10% in 2021—a rate of increase not...
Most people, including many economic experts, were caught off guard by the recent surge in inflation. That’s not surprising since most people alive today have never really experienced high, sustained inflation. You could say that everyone from investors to the Federal...
In his most recent annual letter to shareholders, Warren Buffett proclaimed that “bonds are not the place to be these days.” Buffett has never been a fan of bonds as an investment, but he specifically cited the potential for rising interest rates as a reason to avoid...
For as long as people have been investing in the stock market, they have been told that with the expectation of higher returns should come the expectation of higher risk. So, it’s not surprising that many investors think high-risk, high-volatility stocks will...